A global antibiotic resistance crisis looms but antibiotics drugs don’t make pharma the profits which other medicines do. Roland Pease looks for...
добавлен 25.08.14 23:00
A global antibiotic resistance crisis looms but antibiotics drugs don’t make pharma the profits which other medicines do. Roland Pease looks for...
добавлен 11.08.14 23:00
In March astronomers in the BICEP2 collaboration announced they had found gravitational waves from the Big Bang. But now the evidence is being...
добавлен 04.08.14 16:06
Looking ahead to the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission – the first spacecraft to follow a comet and land a probe on its icy surface.
добавлен 28.07.14 23:00
Jim Al-Khalili meets child psychiatrist Professor Sir Michael Rutter
добавлен 21.07.14 23:00
Roland Pease asks what's making this year's predicted El Nino so hard to forecast
добавлен 14.07.14 23:00
Adam Hart on how insect and cell structure research is helping develop swarming robots
добавлен 07.07.14 23:00
Linda Geddes explores the latest research into how general anaesthetics work in the body.
добавлен 30.06.14 23:00
Janet Hemingway tells Jim Al-Khalili about forthcoming insecticide resistance developing in the mosquitos that transmit malaria, and how it could...
добавлен 23.06.14 23:00
As we grow older, it is assumed we will all become more forgetful, slower witted and much less useful members of society. Geoff Watts looks at the...
добавлен 16.06.14 23:00
Jack Stewart meets the engineers inventing vehicles that drive themselves, including Google’s new car without a steering wheel or pedals and Stanford... |
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