Etienne Barsony: The Dancing Bear0
добавлен 09.05.07 21:55
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As a rule, yours (very) truly takes a big dollop of pleasure in knowing just a little something about the authors I'm reading to you. Where there are exceptions, they are serious exceptions, resuscitated from beyond the brink and leaving their snot in my mouth.
And today's could be considered one of those exceptions except I expect one of you may be able to present me with A Clue. And so, consider this a Bedtime Story Challenge: ply me with the choicest bits of biographical enumeration on tonight's author, and I will ply you with a brand new novel, of my choice (but you know my taste is a good one) from me to you, courtesy of the mailperson. There are no rules other than that- the most thorough and confirmable (or alternatively, the most outrageous) bits of triviata about This Ms Barsony wins the prize. Hip hip storytime.
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