FrenchPodClass #420
добавлен 30.04.06 16:56
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Et si on a un probleme ? On appelle qui ? et on fait quoi ? Oulala,
heureusement, il y a le FrenchPodClass 42! - Dicussion sur l'avion - Les urgences: police, pompiers, .... - A book review and the Musical Break (with a surprise for the song in the middle) On May 1st - so 2 days after the podcast -, it will be Labor Day in France - Great. And we are selling some Lilly of the valley (du muguet), as part of the tradition. Be ready to see the union organizing a march on that day! Well, I am French, therefore I will take a the day off! If you liked the song played and/or book I talk about in this podcast, you can purchase either one from Amazon.FR (France), Amazon.COM (USA), iTunes Music Store (USA) even on eBay or find them at your local music store. Here are the links to : Amazon.FR : Balavoine (fr) - Bourvil (fr) - Annee Provence (fr) Amazon.COM : Balavoine (us) - Bourvil (us) - Annee Provence (us) - Year Provence (us) iTunes Music Store (USA) : n/a for this week I will do a special bigger iMix, with all of the French artist I like pretty soon - un peu "beaucoup" (!) occupe ces derniers temps. Sebastien Vous avez deja oublie ! Non, je ne peux le croire. Enfin, au cas ou, je vous rappelle que vous pouvez utiliser le forum ,voter et commenter sur podcastalley , yahoo podcast, or iTunes, et sans oublier les enquetes: the audience survey! & podcast one. "all questions are anonymous and optional"
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