FrenchPodClass #90
добавлен 11.09.05 06:35
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Let's have fun with FrenchPodClass #9! This is almost the anniversary one (a FPC with 2 numbers). That's some good news. Enfin, en attendant ce merveilleux moment, voyons ensemble le sommaire de cette semaine: - Les activites sportives (grammaire et vocabulaire) ; - Le present des verbes du 3eme groupe ; -Comic review (special Asterix!) I remind you that there is an exercise sheet this week (and the review one -transcript- of the lesson) You can contact me ( avec Skype, Msn, Yahoo, email .......ce que vous voulez!), I will be available from next friday and for up to 2 weeks (I will be in Vermont again). Next week, do not forgot, there are going to be plenty of stuff to download (video, audio, transcript and review .....). Enjoy your week Sebastien
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обращений: 83